Primary Care Network Communications Coordinator

Supporting and streamlining internal communications

The Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice was looking for project communications support for its Primary Care Network (PCN), a clinical network of local primary care service providers managed jointly by the Division, health authority, and aboriginal partners.

As a communications consultant, I worked closely with the PCN team and Division communications staff to support and streamline the PCN’s communications amongst its members.

The first challenge was to replace the static and hard-to-update PDF documents with a dynamic and engaging intranet site. This intranet site, called the PCN Dashboard, served as a central hub for internal communications, offering easy access to information about PCN activities, staff updates, educational opportunities, resources and upcoming events. The intranet not only improved accessibility but also facilitated real-time updates.

A regular bi-monthly newsletter was re-launched to keep members informed about the work of the PCN. The newsletter served as a vital tool for disseminating information in a timely and engaging manner and drove traffic to the intranet site.

To address high-level governance changes that could impact staff, a comprehensive communications strategy was developed and implemented. This strategy prioritized openness, transparency, and timeliness, ensuring that staff received critical information during times of uncertainty.

I provided graphic design support, from infographics to presentations to reports, taking complex topics and making them accessible, visually appealing and easy to understand.